
Black Swan Banned In Barbados

 I can't believe that this is actually true.. but the island of Barbados has banned the movie Black Swan. I've seen the film and in my opinion it is one of the best movies I've had the pleasure to watch in a very long time. It's sad that such oppression still exists in our World today. Just when it seems like we are making strides forward in terms of equality and freedom, things like this just take us back to the 1940's and 50's! Needless to say the group that banned the movie in Barbados, the local Film Censorship Board, is in some hot water at the moment. This story has gained momentum not only in the island itself with talks of a March happening, but CNN has also run a story. I doubt this is the type of media coverage the island hoped for, or maybe they will just ban this too? Here's hoping something changes... soon.

To join the protest please visit this website and sign the petition for an appeal on the Boards decision.

The movie is now being shown in the local theatre with a R-rating. Seems the islanders cries have been heard!