

While I was busy doing my regular nothing, thousands of college students were traveling cross country to make it home in time for the annual "eat until you pop" holiday. Known to Americans and Canadians as Thanksgiving, I simply thought of it as turkey season. Seeing as I have no family within a billion miles, I decided to celebrate the only way I know how.. Eat!

Over at the grocery store, the scene resembled a natural disaster; but I quite enjoyed shuffling around the frantic looking families strung out over the size of the turkey and the size of their oven, or little Johnny pulling down boxes of peas while his dad is busy grumbling over his wife's handwriting and how shopping for pie crusts really isn't a mans job.

Via chanel4.com

Well I made it safely back to our apartment and after settling my purchases on the counter, I sat down to gather my thoughts. I really really wanted to participate in the Americans version of Thanksgiving, but my taste buds were seriously achin' for some grilled shrimp.

So I veered off course a little.

Two hours later of searching up recipes online, I decided to go at it alone. My thinking was if the Indians could do it, I might be able to. Half an hour later I had some chopped potatoes boiling, biscuits in the oven, vegetables washed and the shrimp garnished. There even was a little carrot cake waiting nearby! I couldn't believe it. So I snapped some pictures and voila! With my feast assembled I laid the table, turned on some Michael Bublé and had an amazing night.

Too be honest I was a little down having to celebrate a holiday known for its merriment by myself. But when I thought about it.. I was taking part in one of THE most traditional holidays in America. Millions of other families were doing exactly what I was doing at that moment, and I couldn't help but feel just a little patriotic. Even though I'm not from America, doesn't mean I can't feel America.

It's something I won't forget for some time.