You should understand that I am not your typical college student, legal alien or not. I will graduate with a Bachelors of Science in two years, and I have yet to live in a college dorm splurging on garnished Ramon noodles and fighting off sleep by indulging in Red Bulls at 3 o'clock in the morning while my roommate is making out with her boyfriend/girlfriend in the bed five feet away.
Tragic I know.
And my knowledge of University is really only based 90% from boarding school in Vancouver Island, Canada, and 10% from Hollywood blockbusters (obvs HW blockbusters are the more legit choice here).
None the less, you picked up this story for a reason. A reason I do respect, though do not fully comprehend, so please feel free to share in the comments if you will.
I moved to Vancouver at the ripe ol' age of sixteen, met people from around the world whom I hope to never forget. More importantly, I developed an accent that I am quite proud of. (Needless to say I do draw out my eh, at any chance I can if you please). Canadians were a wonderful bunch and have quite convinced me to find a home in the shadows of my old school when I am settled and not in debt.
All this is a preface to my beginnings as a college student in America...
I promise.
Living as a legal alien has its flaws. Only one of which I've run across in that it is seriously hard to find a sweepstakes in which I fit the rules. Sigh.
But truthfully, it is hard.
Going through the process of intense education while still trying to convince yourself that you really did make the right decision in moving to a new country, college, home.. is never a tasty blend. No strawberries and whip cream for me, more apples and mayonnaise.
This blog will be an endless tirade of learning. My trials at being an A+ student are on a stand for the world to see. Not a very tall stand, at the moment I have a big fat Easter egg reader, and he doesn't seem very entranced.
Forgive me I have dawdled.
I hope through this blog I can provide insights to you, your mum, a sister, brother, once-removed parrot.. anything and anyone that has enough time on their hands to read this I feel blessed and thank you for being so lenient with me.